
Computer Devices & their Inventors

Computer Devices & their Inventors 

Key board— Herman Hollerith first keypunch devices in 1930’s
Transistor— John Bardeen, Walter Brattain & Wiliam Shockley ( 1947-48)
Integrated Circuit— Jack Kilby & Robert Noyce( 1958)
Trackball— Tom Cranston and Fred Longstaff (1952)
Computer Mouse — Douglas Engelbart (1964)
Microprocessor – Intel 4004 Computer Microprocessor— Faggin, Hoff & Mazor(1971)
Floppy Disk— Alan Shugart &IBM
RAM— An Wang at Harvard University’s Computation Lab and Jay Forrester at MIT.1951
Laser printer— Gary Starkweather at XEROX in 1969.
Hard Disk— The IBM Model 350 Disk File by IBM in 1956 (was the first hard disk drive and was part of the IBM 305 RAMAC computer that IBM started delivering in)
First PC— the IBM 5100 Portable Computer by IBM
First laptop— Grid Compass 1100 (called the GRiD) and was designed in 1979 by a British industrial designer, Bill Moggridge.


1. One who is out to subvert a government -
2. One who is recovering from illness -
3. One who is all powerful - Omnipotent
4. One who is present everywhere -
5. One who knows everything - Omniscient
6. One who is easily deceived - Gullible
7. One who does not make mistakes - Infallible
8. One who can do anything for money -
9. One who has no money - Pauper
10. One who changes sides - Turncoat
11. One who works for free - Volunteer
12. One who loves books - Bibliophile
13. One who can speak two languages -Bilingual
14. One who loves mankind - Philanthropist
15. One who hates mankind - Misanthrope
16. One who looks on the bright side of things -
17. One who looks on the dark side of things -
18. One who doubts the existence of god -
19. One who pretends to be what he is not -
20. One incapable of being tired - Indefatigable

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