
Basic Human Psychology..!!!

Basic Human Psychology ...

If you tell your mind, you want something, this is how it's going to work.

I want It .. Mind: "It's impossible, leave it"

I want It .. Mind: "You can't have it, leave it"

I want It .. Mind: "You are thinking BIG"

I want It .. Mind: "Ok some people have it, but not you"

I want It .. Mind: "It will take a lot of time and effort, forget it, you are lazy"

I want It .. Mind: "You don't have any resources"

I want It .. Mind: "You don't know the right people"

I want It .. Mind: "Why are you not ready to give up?"

I want It .. Mind: "Ok you are obstinate, rigid, what's the plan"

I want It .. Mind: "This plan is not sound"

I want It .. Mind: "Might work"

I want It .. Mind: "Let's try it out, you really want it"

I want It .. Mind: "You fail, give it up"

I want It .. Mind: "Let's try again"

I want It .. Mind: "You fail, give it up"

I want It .. Mind: "Let's try again"

After some years of persistence ...

I have done It .. Mind: "You are a dude !!"

... The biggest discovery of my century is - "Whatever the human mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve"

... Be HARD on your dreams, not soft ... You know what I mean ...

... The biggest road block is your mind, and you have to repeat what you want a 1000 times, subconscious mind is obstinate, it's not going to understand that easily.

... Ambani was poor than us, but his mind was powerful, he was not ready to give up

... Henry ford said to his team - "I want it", and as if by a magic stroke the V8 engine was created

... Success is not MAGIC, it's an ATTITUDE ... You know what I mean ...

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