
32 Forms of Ganesha (Ganapati’s 32 Manifestations)

32 Forms of Ganesha (Ganapati’s 32 Manifestations)

Here is the list of 32 forms of Lord Ganesha. The Ganesha Purana describes 32 forms of Ganapati.

In other Agamic scriptures also these forms or incarnations are identified.

Some Tantriks worship these Ganesh incarnations or manifestations.

Here are names and some details of 32 forms of Ganesha.

Bala Ganapathi

The Childlike Ganapati. Depicted in red colored image, Bala Ganapati is a four armed Ganesha.

Tharuna Ganapathi

he Youthful Ganapati. Depicted in red colored image, Tharuna Ganapati is an eight armed Ganesha.

Bhakti Ganapathi

Dear to Devotees Ganapati. Depicted in grey colored image, Bhakti Ganapathi is a four armed Ganesha.

Veera Ganapathi

Valiant Warrior Ganapati. Depicted in red colored image, Veera Ganapathi is a 16 armed Ganesha.

Shakti Ganapathi

The Powerful Ganapati. Depicted in red colored image, Shakti Ganapathi is a four armed Ganesh, seated with his consort to his left.

Dwija Ganapathi

The Twice-born Ganapati. Depicted in white colored image, Dwija Ganesha is a four-faced Ganesha with 4 arms.

Siddhi Ganapathi

The Accomplished Ganapati. Depicted in golden colored image, Siddhi Ganapati is a four armed Ganesha.

Ucchishta Ganapathi

He is the Lord of Blessed Offerings. Depicted in blue colored image, Ucchishta Ganapati is a six armed Ganesha with his consort.

Vigna Ganapathi

He is the Lord of Obstacles. Depicted in gold colored image, Vighna Ganapathi is an eight armed Ganapathi.

Kshipra Ganapathi

Quick-Acting Ganapati. Depicted in red colored image, Kshipra Ganpathi is a four armed Ganesha bearing a ratna kumbham.

Heramba Ganapathi

He is the Protector of the Weak. Depicted in black colored image, Heramba Ganapathi is a ten-armed Ganesha with five faces, seated on a lion.

Lakshmi Ganapathi

He is the Giver of Success. Depicted in white colored image, Lakshmi Ganapati is an eight-armed Ganesha with two consorts.

Maha Ganapathi

The Great Ganapati. Depicted in red colored image, Maha Ganapathi is a Ganesha with a third eye, 10 arms, bearing a ratna kumbham, with his consort.

Vijaya Ganapathi

The Victorious Ganapati. Depicted in red colored image, Vijaya Ganapathi is 4 armed Ganesha on the mooshika mount.

Nritya Ganapathi

The Dancer Ganapati (Nruthya Ganapati). Depicted in gold colored image of, Nritta Ganesha stands in dance posture.

Urdhva Ganapathi

The Elevated Ganapati. Depicted in gold colored image, Urdhwa Ganapati is a six armed Ganesha with his consort.

Ekakshara Ganapathi

Single-Syllable Ganapati. Depicted in red colored image, Ekakshara Ganapati is a Ganesha with a third eye, seated on a lotus.

Vara Ganapathi or Varada Ganapati

The Boon-Giver. Depicted in red colored image, Varada Ganapathi is a 4 armed Vinayaka with a third eye.

Thrayakshara Ganapathi

The Lord of Three Letters. Depicted in gold colored image, Thrayakshara Ganapathi is a four-armed Vinayakar, decorated with Chaamara ear rings.

Kshipraprasaada Ganapathi

He is the Quick Rewarder. Depicted in red colored image, Kshipra Prasada Ganapathi is a six armed Vinayaka

Haridra Ganapathi

The Golden Ganapati. Depicted in yellow colored image, Haridra Ganapati is a four armed Ganesha.

Ekadhanta Ganapathi

Single Tusk Ganapati. Depicted in blue colored image, Ekadanta Ganesha is a four armed Vinayaka.

Srishti Ganapathi

The Lord of Happy Manifestation. Depicted in red colored image, four armed Srishti Ganapathi seats on his mooshika mount

Uddhanda Ganapathi

Enforcer of Dharma. Depicted in red colored image, uddhanda Ganesha is a 10 armed Ganesha with his consort to his left

Runamochana Ganapathi

Humanity’s Liberator. Depicted in crystal image (Sphatika), Runamochana Ganesha is a four armed Vinayakar

Dhundi Ganapathi

The Sought After. Depicted as four-armed, Dhundi Ganesha bears a tusk, a garland, an axe and a gem studded vessel

Dwimukha Ganapathi

Two Faced Ganapati. Depicted in red colored image, Dwimukha Ganesha appears with two faces and four arms

Trimukha Ganapathi

Three-Faced Ganapati. Depicted in red colored image, Trimukha Ganesha appears with three faces and six arms seated on a golden lotus

Simha Ganapathi

The Fearless Ganapati. Depicted in white colored image, Simha Ganesha appears with eight arms (with an arm bearing a lions face)

Yoga Ganapathi

the Yogi Ganapati. Depicted in red colored image, Yoga Ganesha appears in the posture of a yogi

Durga Ganapathi

The Invincible Ganapati. Depicted in red colored image, Durga Ganesha appears with eight arms

Sankatahara Ganapathi

The Dispeller of Sorrows. Depicted in red colored image, Sankatahara Ganesha appears with four arms, clothed in blue, seated on a lotus peetham with his consort to his left

In Ganesha Purana and some other holy scriptures, 34 forms of Ganesha are also mentioned. Including all the above 32, there will be two more Ganesha forms – Vallabha Ganapathi and Siddhi Buddhi Ganapathi.

Vallabha Ganapathi – Vallabha Ganesha is depicted as 10-armed Ganesha who is responsible for protection of the universe.

Siddhi Buddhi Ganapathi – Siddhi Buddhi Ganapathi is depicted with his divine consorts Siddhi Lakshmi and Buddhi Lakshmi.

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