
Technical News..

Some Technical  news..

India's first 1Gbps Internet connection...

Google, launched its 1000mbps (1gbps) at kansas city (US), a leading techn incubator in US, as part of the Google Fiber Network. and Now, it is India's turn to get this speed.

Kerala, India's first telecom company incubator now has a new 1Gbps connectivity, Startup village of Kochi has become the second place in the world, after Kansas city of US.

Start up Village aims to build the elements of a world class tech ecosystem to realize the dream of a Silicon Coast in INDIA.

you can download a two-hour HD movie in 30 seconds or view 1080p video in YouTube at this lightning speed ....


Which one would u like to buy..????

All features of top smartphones are listed here...

Want to know the Manufacturing Date of Your computer ?
Open Cmd and Type
Enter then type
- DF000:FFF5
Hit Enter...


Facebook paid a whooping $8.5 Million to buy "Fb.com" domain!! So next time instead of typing "facebook.com" you can just type in "Fb.com" to save time!!

Languages Used....

1. Google – Java (Web), – C++ (indexing)

2. Facebook – PHP

3. YouTube- Flash, Python, Java

4. Yahoo– PHP and Java

5. Microsoft Live.com– .NET

6. Baidu – Unknown

7. Wikipedia – PHP

8. Blogger – Java

9. MSN – .NET

10.Twitter – Ruby on Rails, Scala, Java

|Find Serial-Key for any software

1. Those who use trial versions of softs..
2. Go to GOOGLE.com
3. Type '94fbr' Then space and then name of software u need..
4. Google will show u links with ur desired serial key or patch files..


1. The name GOOGLE was an accident. A spelling mistake made by the original founders who thought they were going for GOOGOL. Googol is a mathematical term 1 followed by one hundred zeroes.
2. Google started in January, 1996 as a research project at Stanford University by Ph.D students Larry Page and Sergey Brin.
3. 97% of Google revenue comes from their advertising services.
4. The biggest break in search came when Google introduced their improved spell checker seen as 'Did you mean?'. This feature doubled their traffic.
5. The infamous 'I’m feeling lucky' button is nearly never used. However, in trials it was found that removing it would somehow reduce the Google experience. Users wanted it kept. It was a comfort button.

Units of Computer Memory measurements.

If ur pen drives get infected wid the new "SHORTCUT VIRUS" then u can remove it using this simple method.....

1. Open cmd as administrator;
2. type the command
attrib -h -r -s /s /d X:\*.*
(Replace X with ur pen drive letter)

Also, create an 'Autorun.inf' blank file in pen drive & make it read only or inaccessible from security tab which will possibly prevent this infection...

Please correct a common mistake friends 1Kbps is not 1KBps. There's a a small difference of b which makes a huge difference in MBps and Mbps.
None the less many people do confuse in these terms and do get happy when they hear that their internet speed is 1Mbps but actually its 128KBps and complain after wards 'That my speed is 1Mbps but still it doesn't download a 4MB file in 4 secs. :p
Kbps means Kilo'bits' per second not Kilo'bytes' per second.
Since Bytes is a huge amount in relation to networking so most networkoperators give the data transfer in Kilo'bits' not Kilo'bytes' while all the computer files exists in bytes.
To convert bits to bytes divide that databy 8 (since 1byte = 8bits). So next time when you buy a modem or get a connection do check the 'b' and find out its real speed. :D

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