
Google device manager to locate Android devices

Google device manager to locate Android devices

The much anticipated feature is coming to devices later this month.

Internet giant Google has announced that it will soon be making available its much anticipated Android device manager service to Android users.
Android device manager service
The Android device manager service is expected to be similar to those third party applications that help users to locate and track their devices, but will be better integrated. The application would allow users to locate their device if they have misplaced them in home or at office, users can simply log in to the web interface and make their device ring at their loudest volume to know where exactly did they forget it.
Also the service would allow users to locate their devices if they get stolen or lost outside the home or office. Using the application, users would be able to pin point the physical current location of the device and would also be able to secure their confidential data if they think the device has gone beyond their reach.
Android device manager service
Google has also revealed that the devices will be getting the service application combo by the end of this month. The service is likely to be a free one but there can be a yearly or monthly fees associated with it. But more clarity will only be coming once the service is officially available. The services will be compatible for devices running Google android version 2.2 and above.

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